Putting the Suits Together

AKA How to Read Playing Cards

Reading Left to Right

Draw 3 cards and lay them one at a time from left to right. The first card you lay down is Card 1, the second card is Card 2, and the third card is Card 3.

Card 2 influences the meaning of Card 1, and Card 3 influences the meaning of Card 2. What does this mean?

If you're familiar with Tarot, then you might be used to cards telling a story. This isn't the case with Cartomancy. This method of Divination tells the person who the reading is for, what their life is like in the present.

The 4 suits tell the person who the reading is for what needs to be improved in their life in terms of finances (Diamonds), emotions (Hearts), relationships (Clubs), and life struggles (Spades). Diamonds and Hearts, the red cards, are considered to be "positive" influences in the reading. Clubs and Spades, the black cards, are "negative" influences in the reading.

This means when you draw 3 cards, there will be at least 2 cards of the same color and 1 card of a separate color. This order will determine if a negative card influences a positive card, or vise versa.

Here is a breakdown of card influences based on color alone when drawn next to each other:

Now that you have a breakdown of how two cards interact with one another, let's add the third card and see how the reading changes:

How the Suits Influence Each Other