Protection Spells

WARNING! If an individual or a group is harrassing/has harrassed you, is threatening/has threatened your life, and/or is/was generally acting in a way that makes you question your safety, then DO NOT rely on these spells to keep you safe. Please alert the proper authorities before using spiritual or religious methods. Mundane over Magickal.

When used against spirits and metaphysical forces, these spells work awesome! When used against living humans and animals, you might be disappointed.

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House Protection Salt | Bury and Banish Spell | | | | |

House Protection Salt


You will need salt and garlic powder. The amount will vary depending on the size of the home you're protecting.

Mix equal parts salt and garlic powder. Sprinkle this mixture at each doorway and windowsill in the home.

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Bury and Banish Spell


You will need a black piece of paper (white paper could work, but black is more effective), and a safe place to dig a hole.

Write the name of the person, entity, or whatever is bothering you on the paper in the middle. Fold the paper as small as you can. Bury the paper in the ground. After burying it, recite the following:

Into the ground
You can't be found
You're not around
I can't hear your sound.

Step over the place you buried the paper.

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