Binding Spells

Nowadays it's popular to use binding spells for self-improvement (for example: binding a bad habit to a poppet so you can quit the bad habit much faster). However, I am not against using it for "Left-Hand Purposes", if you know what I mean. So, both types of binding spells are included here.

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Three Times Three Spell | Binding Spell | Bind a Bully | Stop a Person from Harming You | Cord Binding Spell | Simple Binding Spell

Three Times Three Spell

Use for: people who are corrupt in their ways.

You will need something representing the person you wish to bind (a Taglock works best).

While holding the Taglock/Icon of the person, chant the following:

Wind in the north, run through the trees
Three times three, let them see, let them see
Sands of the east, rich soils beneath
Three times three, set them free, set them free
Fires in the south, awaken from sleep
Three times three, let them see, let them see
Water of the west, flow to the seas
Three times three, set them free, set them free.

Repeat as many times as needed, but not in one day. No more than once per day is necessary. Your work is done when the person sees the errors of their ways.

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Binding Spell

Note: this author wrote this as a Wiccan-centric spell.

Use for: getting rid of a person in your life.

Recite the following:

I ask the universe to help (target name) to find meaning, happiness, joy, peace and love in (his or her) life.
I ask these things fill her life so she no longer causes tension and strife in (your name)
As this is done with no harm intended to (target name) I ask she find excitement in her and her families lives
So he or she stays out of (your name), their immediate and extended family’s lives.
I cast a shadow to cloak (your name) extended and immediate family, whenever (target name) tries to pry into any of our lives. The entire (your name) family, want (target name) out of their lives today, tomorrow and forever more
As I will it So mote it be!

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Bind a Bully

Use for: making a bully leave you alone.

You will need: 3 black candles, black thread, black ink pen, a piece of paper, and an empty glass jar with a lid (if you don't have a glass jar, any container with a lid will do).

Set the candles around you in a large enough circle so that you can sit comfortably in the middle. If you do not have the room to put the candles on the floor, then setting them in a circle on your Altar or table will work. Light the candles.

Write the full name of your bully on the paper with the pen and draw a large X over the name.

While folding the paper 3 times, recite the following:

I bind you (bully name) so that you cannot hurt me anymore, both physically and emotionally.
Get out of my life, leave me alone.
I bind you (bully name). I bind you.

Tie the thread around the folded paper and place it in the jar. Snuff out the candles and close the jar.

Bury the jar away from your home. If you don't have any place to bury the jar, then throwing it in an outdoor trash can will work just as well.

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Stop a Person from Harming You

You will need: a white candle (a tealight works), your favorite incense, brown paper, pencil, and a spoonful of used coffee grounds (used tea leaves will work as well).

Light the candle and incense. Meditate on the problem(s) the target is causing you.

Write the full name of the target on the brown paper using the pencil. If other people are involved and you don't know their names, add "and all persons unknown that are causing harm to me" under the target's name.

While striking out each line you wrote, recite the following:

I freeze name(s) to be bound by this spell,
unable to cause any more harm to (your name)!
As I will, so mote it be!

Place the coffee grounds over the names and fold the paper around them. Place the folded paper in the freezer. Leave it until the problem is resolved.

Let the candle burn out.

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Cord Binding Spell


Use for: prevent someone from causing you harm.

You will need: a black cord/yarn/thread/rope/anything with which you can tie knots easily.

Tie a knot at one end of the cord while reciting the following:

One to seek them.

Tie a knot in the middle, saying:

One to find them.

Tie a knot in the other end, saying:

One to bring them.

Tie the two ends together, saying:

One to bind them.

Bury the knotted cord away from your home or throw it in a trash can away from your home.

Momma Funch Note: yes, this is the Lord of the Rings "One Ring" incantation. You can't deny it's a clever use of it.

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Simple Binding Spell


You will need: a piece of paper, a picture of the target or their full name, salt and pepper, boiling water, and a jar with a lid.

Draw the face of the target using the picture as reference. If you don't have a photo, write their full name instead.

Add the salt and pepper to the jar. Then add the paper.

While pouring the water into the jar, recite the following:

(Target name) cannot hurt me.
(Target name) is leaving me alone.
(Target name) is minding their own business.

Close the jar with the lid. Dispose of the jar away from your home however you like.

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