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Academic Sources
- UPenn Free Online Books Database
- Tufts University Perseus Digital Library
- Wikipedia
- UPenn Open Richly Annotated Cuneiform Corpus
- International Astrology Research Center
- University of California, Irvine Resources for Classicists
- Project Gutenberg
- University of British Columbia Database of Religious History
- University of Chicago Digital South Asia Library
- University of Wisconsin Asian Internet Resources (decommissioned but still useful)
- Theoi.com (intense and in-depth resource for Greek and Roman mythology with academic sources)
Occult Resources
- City University New York Digital Occult Library
- University of Sydney page on Grimoires
- University of South Florida Resources for Occult Literature (a lot of the links are dead given this site was made in 2007, but it's still a nice resource)
- New York Public Library Occult Sciences and Parapsychology Page (no direct links to works)
- Theosophy Library Online
Witchcraft & Paganism Resources
- San Diego State University Library Witchcraft Page
- Cornell University Witchcraft Book Collection (I don't really like this site because it only features scans of book pages which makes the contents hard to read. But I can't deny that it's useful)
- Llewellyn Publishing (they are the biggest New Age book publishing company, so I count that as being a professional resource, though many practitioners don't like their books due to their popularity. Love them or hate them, I'm putting the link in this section)
- Biographies of Important Wiccan Figures
- The Pagan Federation
- The Circle Santuary (homepage for a Nature Religion Church in Wisconsin)
- Pagan Book of Hours (this is what you get when you cross Paganism with Monasticism. I'm a big fan of their calendar, though)
- Homepage of the Omphalos (great collection of online Pagan resources)
- Covenant of the Goddess (Wiccan religious organization for group and solitary practitioners)
Important Modern Figures
- Margot Adler's NPR Articles (no official website)
- Doreen Valiente Foundation
- Starhawk Official Website
- Laurie Cabot Official Website (Official Witch of Salem, MA)
- Scott Cunningham Llewellyn Profile (no official website)
- Raymond Buckland Official Website
- Silver Ravenwolf Personal Blog
- Gerald Gardner Official Website
- Charles Cardell (no official website)
- Sybil Leek Memorital Site (no official website)
- Marie Leveau Wikipedia Article
- Zsuzsanna Budapest Official Website
- Phyllis Curott Official Website
- Patricia Crowther (no official website)
- Eleanor Bone Official Website
- Robert Cochrane Memorial Site (no official website)
- Raven Grimassi Official Website
- Deepak Chopra Official Website
- Alice Bailey Unofficial Biography WARNING - has some anti-semitic works (no official website)
- Helena Blavatsky Official Website
Comparative Religions Resources
- World Religions Homework Help (now inactive but very user- and family-friendly)
- Sacred Texts Archive (my new favorite resource)
- Virtual Religion Index (an advanced research resource)
- BBC World Religions Page (no longer updated but has a lot of good information)
- University of Cumbria Overview of World Religions (interactive world religions timeline in tree format)
- Pew Research Center World Religions Articles
- Dead Sea Scrolls Online
- University of Calgary Concise Dictionary of Religion
- California State University Chico Online Resources for the Study of Religion
- University of Calgary Religious Studies Web Guide
- Hartford Institute Encyclopedia of Religion and Society
- Association of Religion Data Archives (ARDA)
Specific Religious Resources
Taoism & Confucianism
- Religious Tolerance Taoism Homepage
- Religious Tolerance Confucianism
- Internet Guide for Chinese Religions
- Judaism 101 (everything in Judaism explained for non-practitioners)
- BibleHub (read the New and Old Testaments in any language, and almost every other Christian text known to exist)
- Bible Dudes (a family-friendly approach to the New and Old Testaments)
- Fordham University Internet Islamic History Sourcebook
- Columbia University Middle East & Islamic Studies Library Resources
Informal Resources
Various Active Websites & Blogs:
- The White Goddess
- The New Pagan
- CafeAstrology (the only astrology source I trust at this point)
- Rosicrucian Homepage (I don't really know what this is but I like the newsletters they put out. Definitely up my alley)
- Rose Croix Journal (one of the writers for Rosicrucian newsletters. Just more articles that I think are neat)
- Book of Tides (an awesome resource for sea magick)
- Free Witchcraft Spells (I don't think spell websites are worth your time, but it's useful to learn how other people write their spells)
- Witches of the Craft (similar to this site in that it has a ton of information on different topics)
- Wicca.com AKA The Celtic Connection (I don't use this site very much because of the focus on Celtic information, but Wiccans would enjoy it)
- Flying the Hedge (a blog focused on Hedge Witchcraft and Hedgeriding)
- Sesh Kemet (blog dedicated to Kemetism)
Various Archived Websites:
Various Tumblr Blogs:
- Rainy Day Witchcraft (the background images won't load as of Jan 2022)
- Witchtips (mostly archived posts)
- The Day of the Witch
- TheManicNami (has a lot of posts on Pop Culture Witchcraft)
- Valyriance
- Theory of Magick
Fun Resources
- Make a Digital Altar (works better on mobile)
- Omniglot
- International Phonetic Alphabet - learn to read phonetically
- SigilScribe - make your own Sigils
- Sigil Generator - generate your own Sigils
- Corpus Scriptorum Latinorum (resource for ancient Latin writings, only some of which are translated into English)
- University of Michigan Middle English Compendium (want to learn Middle English? This site features a dictionary!)
- Gerogetown University Resources for Medieval Studies (I really like Medieval history so this site makes my heart do the smiley emoji)