The Book of Enoch Notes
The strangest book in the Christian Bible cannon. It details angels and demons and incredible lands.

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Chapters I-XX | Chapters XXI-XL | Chapters XLI-LX | Chapters LXI-LXXX | Chapters LXXXI-C | Chapters C-CV
NOTE: a lot of the chapters are very, very short. Because of this, the notes for this book are sectioned by bullet points, in the order of how they are sectioned in the source above.Chapters I-XX
- Chapter I
- Enoch had a vision of heaven.
- Angels told him something big will happen, but it won't be in his lifetime. It will be sometime in the future.
- Enoch spoke to God and God said, "a prophet will climb Mount Sinai".
- The prophet will bring judgement upon everyone (even the righteous), but he will also bring peace. Then everything will belong to God.
- Chapter II
- The prophet will arrive with Saints and together they will execute judgement, destroy the wicked, and rebuke the damage done by the sinful.
- Chapter III
- Angels know how Heaven works.
- Angels know how the planets and stars work, and there haven't been any mishaps in that area.
- Angels know everything that has happened on Earth since the dawn if it's creation.
- Angels make the seasons.
- Chapter IV
- Angels control the changing of the seasons through trees shedding their leaves.
- Fourteen trees are excluded from this list, and most readers agree this is referring to Evergreen trees and the other trees that don't shed during the winter.
- Chapter V
- Angels make the summer.
- (This chapter is very metaphorical and it would take me forever to dissect it coherently.)
- Chapter VI
- Angels know the trees bear fruit, but it's God who makes that fruit. The angels just know that it's been made.
- God creates the cycle of life every year and has done so since the dawn of time.
- Angels know how the many bodies of water connect, but they do not control it.
- Worshipping the prophet instead of God will cause you to be cursed, your life will be shorter, any ill-will someone wishes on you will be multiplied, and God will not give you any mercy.
- Worshipping God will bring you wisdom, you will live a long life, you will humble yourself, and you will never be tempted to break the rules. You'll also live a complete life and not die until you're old.
- Chapter VII
- After enough men were born, more women were born and the angels fell in love with them.
- Samyaza, the leader of the angels, told them it's not a good idea to want to have children with humans and all the angels not directly be responsible for the human children they want to create.
- All 200 angels descended upon (what is known today as) Mount Hermon.
- The Leaders of the Angels:
- Samyaza
- Urakabarameel
- Akibeel
- Tamiel
- Ramuel
- Danel
- Azkeel
- Saraknyal
- Asael
- Armers
- Batraal
- Anane
- Zavebe
- Samsaveel
- Ertael
- Turel
- Yomyael
- Arazyal
- The angels chose human wives and lived with them. The angels taught them sorcery, incantations, and "the dividing of roots and trees". These chosen women birthed giants.
- These giants were really tall, ate all the town's crops, ate all the townspeople, and then ate all animals.
- After all this, the Earth said it needs the righteous to come and help.
- Chapter VIII
- Azazyel taught men to make knives, shields, breastplates, mirrors (to see behind them), ornaments, paint, "the beautifying of eyebrows", the use of stones, and the use of dyes. This caused humans to become attracted to one another and they forgot about God.
- Amazarak was the head of the Sorcery division, other angels taught different subjects:
- Armers taught how to perform sorcery.
- Barkayal taught astrology.
- Akibeel taught signs and symbols.
- Tamiel taught astronomy.
- Asaradel taught the moon phases.
- These teachings destroyed men and their cries reached Heaven.
- Chapter IX
- The angels Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Suryal, and Uriel saw what was happening on Earth from Heaven.
- The Earth pleaded for them to do something, because everything that was taught to the humans were secrets of Heaven. The angels relayed this plea to God.
- The above angels asked God what should be done about the all the shit hitting the fan on Earth.
- Chapter X
- God, in response to the shit hitting the fan on Earth, sent Arsayalalyur to the son of Lamech.
- Chapter XI
- Chapter XII
- Chapter XIII
- Chapter XIV
- Chapter XV
- Chapter XVI
- Chapter XVII
- Chapter XVIII
- Chapter XIX
- Chapter XX
Chapters XXI-XL
- Chapter XXI
- Chapter XXII
- Chapter XXIII
- Chapter XXIV
- Chapter XXV
- Chapter XXVI
- Chapter XXVII
- Chapter XXVIII
- Chapter XXIX
- Chapter XXX
- Chapter XXXI
- Chapter XXXII
- Chapter XXXIII
- Chapter XXXIV
- Chapter XXXV
- Chapter XXXVI
- Chapter XXXVII
- Chapter XXXVIII
- Chapter XXXIX
- Chapter XL
Chapters XLI-LX
- Chapter XLI
- Chapter XLII
- Chapter XLIII
- Chapter XLIV
- Chapter XLV
- Chapter XLVI
- Chapter XLVII
- Chapter XLVIII
- Chapter XLIX
- Chapter L
- Chapter LI
- Chapter LII
- Chapter LIII
- Chapter LIV
- Chapter LV
- Chapter LVI
- Chapter LVII
- Chapter LVIII
- Chapter LIX
- Chapter LX
Chapters LXI-LXXX
- Chapter LXI
- Chapter LXII
- Chapter LXIII
- Chapter LXIV
- Chapter LXV
- Chapter LXVI
- Chapter LXVII
- Chapter LXVIII
- Chapter LXIX
- Chapter LXX
- Chapter LXXI
- Chapter LXXII
- Chapter LXXIII
- Chapter LXXIV
- Chapter LXXV
- Chapter LXXVI
- Chapter LXXVII
- Chapter LXXVIII
- Chapter LXXIX
- Chapter LXXX
Chapters LXXXI-C
- Chapter LXXXI
- Chapter LXXXII
- Chapter LXXXIII
- Chapter LXXXIV
- Chapter LXXXV
- Chapter LXXXVI
- Chapter LXXXVII
- Chapter LXXXVIII
- Chapter LXXXIX
- Chapter XC
- Chapter XCI
- Chapter XCII
- Chapter XCIII
- Chapter XCIV
- Chapter XCV
- Chapter XCVI
- Chapter XCVII
- Chapter XCVIII
- Chapter XCIX
- Chapter C
Chapters C-CV
- Chapter C
- Chapter CI
- Chapter CII
- Chapter CIII
- Chapter CIV
- Chapter CV