The Hellenic holidays are determined with a Lunar calendar. The calendar that we are all used to using (i.e. January, February, March, etc.) is a solar calendar. This means that the dates for these holidays will happen on different days of the solar calendar, but land on the same days in the Lunar calendar.
Don't worry, it's easy to keep track of the Lunar months; you already know what defines them!
The 1st of every Lunar month starts on the New Moon, and ends the night before the next New Moon.
However, Julian Hellenism goes by the Solar calendar we are all used to. The Lunar calendar method is far more popular than the Julian Hellenism method.
This page features both calendars because why not.
Hellenion Calendar
Hellenic Faith (Julian) Calendar
Recurring Holidays
- Hekate's Deipnon - night before the New Moon
- Noumenia - night of the New Moon
- Agathos Daimon - night after the New Moon
- Kalends (Julian Hellenism) - 1st of the Solar month (ex: 1st of January)
Gamelion - January-February
- Lenaia - Gamelion 12-15
Anthesterion - February-March
- Parentalia (Julian Hellenism) - February 13-21 OR Anthesterion 6-13
- Lupercalia (Julian Hellenism) - February 15 OR Anthesterion 8
- Anthesteria - Anthesterion 11-13
- Lesser Mysteries - Anthesterion 20-26
- Diasia - Anthesterion 23
Elaphebolion - March-April
- Elaphebolia - Elaphebolion 6
- Navigium Isidis (Julian Hellenism) - March 5-6 OR Elaphebolion 6-7
- Asklepia - Elaphebolion 8
- Dionysia/Dionysia ta Astika - Elaphebolion 10-17
- Hilaria (Julian Hellenism) - March 15-28 OR Elaphebolion 16-29
- Liberalia (Julian Hellenism) - March 17 OR Elaphebolion 18
- Quinquatrus (Julian Hellenism) - March 19 OR Elaphebolion 20
Mounykhion - April-May
- Delphinia - Mounykhion 6
- Mounykhia - Mounykhion 16
- Olympeia - Mounykhion 19
- Natale de Roma (Julian Hellenism) - April 21 OR Mounykhion 23
- Serapia (Julian Hellenism) - April 25 OR Mounykhion 27
Thargelion - May-June
- Thargelia - Thargelion 6-7
- Lemuria (Julian Hellenism) - May 9, 11, 13 OR Thargelion 12, 14, 16
- Bendideia - Thargelion 19
- Kallynteria - Thargelion 24
- Plynteria - Thargelion 25
- Thargelia (Julian Hellenism) - May 22-23 OR Thargelion 25-26
Skirophorion - June-July
- Arrephoria - Skirophoria 3
- Vestalia (Julian Hellenism) - June 7-15 OR Skirophorion 11-19
- Skira - Skirophorion 12
- Dipolieia - Skirophorion 14
- Flight of Aineias (Julian Hellenism) - June 11 OR Skirophorion 15
- Prometheia (Julian Hellenism) - June 17 OR Skirophorion 21
Hekatombaion - July-August
- Athenian New Year - Hekatombaion 1
- Kronia - Hekatombaion 12
- Synoikia - Hekatombaion 15-16
- Panathenaia (both) - July 17-24 OR Hekatombaion 23-30
- Neptunalia (Julian Hellenism) - July 23 OR Hekatombaion 29
Metageitnion - August-September
- Herakleia - Metageitnion 2
- Eleusinia - Metageitnion 15-18
- Sol Indiges (Julian Hellenism) - August 9 OR Metageitnion 15
- Kourotrophos - Metageitnion 16
- The Heroines - Metageitnion 19
- Hera Telkhinia - Metageitnion 20
- Zeus Epoptes - Metageitnion 25
- Vinalia Rustica (Julian Hellenism) - August 19 OR Metageitnion 25
- Vulcanalia (Julian Hellenism) - August 23 OR Metageitnion 29
Boedromion - September-October
- Niketeria - Boedromion 2
- Basile - Boedromion 4
- Genesios - Boedromion 5
- Artemis Agrotera - Boedromion 6
- Demokratia - Boedromion 12
- Elusinian Mysteries (both) - September 6-12 OR Boedromion 15-21
- Epidauria - Boedromion 17
- Apollo Campus Martius (Julian Hellenism) - September 23
Pyanepsion - October-November
- Proerosia - Pyanepsion 6
- Pyanepsia - Pyanepsion 7
- Oskhophoria - Pyanepsion 7
- Theseia - Pyanepsion 8
- Stenia - Pyanepsion 9
- Thesmophoria (both) - October 2-4 OR Pyanepsion 11-13
- The Heroines - Pyanepsion 14
- Khalkeia (both) - October 7 OR Pyanepsion 29 or 30
Maimakterion - November-December
- Pompaia - Maimakterion 10
- Feast Day of Julian (Julian Hellenism) - November 8
Poseideon - December
- Plerosia - Poseideon 5
- Poseidea - Poseideon 8
- Haloa - Poseideon 26
- Heliogenna - Poseideon 27-28
- Saturnalia (Julian Hellenism) - December 17-23 OR Poseideon 27-Poseideon2 3
- Opalia (Julian Hellenism) - December 19 OR Poseideon 29
- Dies Natalia Solis Invicti (Julian Hellenism) - December 25