Hey there! Welcome to my little nook on the internet.
Who am I? Well, you can just call me Momma Funch. I live in the U.S., I'm 25 (started this website when I was 23), sapphic and I use she/her pronouns.
To any TERF/SWERFs, nazi punks, conspiracy theorists (including Q), and general people with right-leaning ideologies: get the fuck off my website. You are not welcome here. If I see you then it's on sight. I don't like you and I never will.
However, I don't have an issue with Wiccans. All Pagans and Witches (besides the ones listed above) are welcome here.
What else is there to say about me?
I have two degrees in Computer Science and Anthropology. I'm certified in human subjects research and I focus heavily on religious anthropology. I read dry texts for fun.
In terms of my craft
- Former follower of Scott Cunningham 2013-2020 so I guess I used to be Wiccan in a way, but I never tried to really branch out past him in terms of Wiccan literature. I agree with his POV more than anyone else so I never saw a reason to read other works. That's changed, obviously!
- Former moderator for a public Wiccan forum. I left because I didn't want to limit myself to Wiccan spaces anymore, and through that role I found my passion for research. I just grew out of that position. A majority of my posts there were moved to here!
- I identify as a skeptical occultist. This means that I believe in everything written on my site, but beliefs should not be treated as the end-all for every situation. We have evolved past the need to have a divine explaination for everything, so it's silly to take it so seriously in this day and age. That doesn't make my beliefs less enjoyable, however.
- I'm more into the history of the occult than the actual practice, but I do use magick when I feel like it. This is definitely a lifestyle for me and I'm aware tons of people don't vibe with it and that's okay.
Personal Beliefs
- Mundane over magickal, no exceptions.
- Different beliefs are a difference of opinion. If you don't agree with something I wrote here, then that sucks. I refuse to believe that there is one "correct" way to do something.
- I don't believe "accidental appropriation" is or ever will be a thing because I believe cultural appropriation cannot be acted upon in ignorance. You either knowingly ignore history or you don't. Reactionaries please don't try me on this one, I will leave you on read.
- Trying to justify with logic why a belief is impossible to you is silly. I don't care that you don't believe spells work, that's your choice and I'm not going to try to change your mind. Please do me the same courtesy.
- Left Hand magick (curses, hexes, and other "bad" magick) is okay to perform. I do it. If you don't then that's cool.
- There are bad sources of information. Reading them helps you understand why they're bad. That's why I sometimes read "bad" literature.
- You cannot learn Paganism, Witchraft, or Occult teachings from social media. I love my media timelines as much as the next person, but I believe it's not a good source of actual knowledge. Social media is escapism, magick is a lifestyle (for me) and I treat the two very differently.
- There was never a pre-Christian witch-cult and nothing you do will ever convince me of this. Sorry!
- I don't believe in ghosts, but I believe in spirits. Actually, I don't believe in most folk tales. More power to you if you do, though.
- Everything is made up, but that makes it more fun to me. I will never actually believe that clear quartz will cleanse me of my negative energy (afterall, it's just a rock), but treating it like it actually can makes life less boring. Related banishing rock joke (image link) that comes to mind whenever I think about this topic.
- If all else fails, just try to be normal. Life is meaningless, have fun.
I'm not sure how to end this. Thanks for reading this far!
Okay bye.